Welcome to

The Liberated Voice



Schedule a Consultation or Lesson

Greetings, current and future singers!

If you’re looking for information about my teaching practice and how it can meet your needs, you’ve come to the right place.

I have also created online courses and written books, and I continually post new content to my blog and social media sites to provide support as you explore your voice and navigate the broader music world.

Welcome to The Liberated Voice!

Vocal Elementals

A six-month immersive one-on-one singing program that covers all aspects of technique—not only how to coordinated your voice, but how to condition your vocal anatomy so it responds to whatever you ask of it with ease and precision.

Singing is a complex combination of skills, and the swiftest, most effective, and most enjoyable way to learn and integrate them all is to take them on one at a time and do a deep dive.

This is what the Vocal Elementals program facilitates. Through a combination of weekly one-on-one lessons, video and reading assignments, and customized exercises, this program will instill you with a conceptual and practical understanding of technique that will provide not only the skill but also the confidence every singer desires.

Please visit the program Guidelines & Policies page for full details. 


Voice Lessons À La Carte

Customized lesson sequences or one-off voice lessons targeting specific technical and performance goals.

Is there something specific you’d like to get better at? Modulate your registration more skillfully, manage your breath better, expand your resonance options, create a smoother legato?

Reach out for a consultation, and let’s make a plan to fine-tune your coordination. Or to request a comprehensive assessment of where you are now, and what to focus on next in your voice work. (I’ve discovered that the “one hour better” voice lesson model that seeks to “fix” as many “problems” as can be managed in the space of an hour doesn’t work terribly well for most singers—here’s why).


Yoga Nidra for Singers

podcast that offers an ongoing series of guided meditations to help singers explore the internal workings of their instruments, and to enhance the expressive connection between body and mind..

Guided meditations can be great resources for observing your physical instrument from the inside, as well as for strengthening the body/mind connection so that you can practice and perform with greater confidence and expressive power. 

If you are new to meditation and are interested in giving it a try, yoga nidra provides an easy, accessible introduction. All you need to begin your practice is a comfortable, supportive surface and about a half hour of uninterrupted time.

Vocal Fundamentals

An online multimedia self-study voice course with live support features.

Vocal Fundamentals
invites singers of all skill levels to experience the extraordinary things your voices can do, in any style you enjoy. It offers a comprehensive collection of tools and technique that you can explore from the comfort of your home.

Learn More

Additional Resources

Lots of written & video content available for free or cheap.

YouTube Videos
Articulation for Singers online course

Claudia Friedlander, DMus

From the time I was a three-year-old dancing around the living room to an LP of the Wizard of Oz soundtrack, I longed to sing.

But I was not what you would call a natural singer. As a child, my voice was loud and abrasive; as a young adult, I had difficulty singing in tune as well as limited range, and I concluded that I just didn't have the aptitude to sing well.

Then two wonderful things happened. I engaged in a course of bodywork that helped me release chronic tensions that had been inhibiting my breathing and my vocal range, and I found a teacher who knew how to help me coordinate my newly liberated instrument.

It meant so much to me to be able to sing, after wanting it so much for so long, that I also became fascinated by the concepts and techniques that had helped me, as well as passionate about building on them. I have now been teaching singing for more than twenty years, helping others develop and coordinate their voices and learn to express themselves through song.
Through cultivating my own voice and participating in my students’ exploration and successes, I have come to appreciate the power of singing to not only help us to grow musically but also to help us deepen our awareness and connection to one another and the world we live in, and to enjoy a more expressive, interesting, and impactful journey along the way.